League of Legends: Vladimir Champion Information and Abilities Guide
Here's a concise, value-focused rewrite about Vladimir from League of Legends as a gaming character:
Vladimir is a manaless battlemage champion in League of Legends who uses his own health as a resource to cast abilities. He excels at sustaining himself through combat while dealing consistent magical damage to enemies.
Core Abilities:
- Crimson Pact (Passive): Converts bonus health to ability power and vice versa
- Transfusion (Q): Drains health from target enemy, healing Vladimir
- Sanguine Pool (W): Becomes untargetable while damaging and slowing enemies
- Tides of Blood (E): Charges and releases blood bolts that damage enemies
- Hemoplague (R): Marks enemies to take increased damage and heals Vladimir when it detonates
Key Strengths:
- Strong self-healing and sustain
- Good late game scaling
- Effective against melee champions
- Can become untargetable to avoid damage
- Weak early game
- Limited mobility
- Vulnerable to crowd control
- Must manage health costs carefully
Best Positions:
- Mid Lane
- Top Lane
Core Items:
- Hextech items
- Spirit Visage
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Rabadon's Deathcap
Vladimir costs 3150 BE or 790 RP and is rated as a moderate difficulty champion. He's particularly effective in extended fights where he can utilize his sustain abilities to outlast opponents while steadily dealing damage.
- Use Crimson Rush empowered Q for maximum healing
- Time W carefully to dodge important abilities
- Build both health and AP to maximize passive benefits
- Save ultimate for teamfights to amplify team damage
[Original images retained in their positions]