League of Legends: Ultimate Evelynn Champion Guide - Complete Jungler Build & Strategy

League of Legends: Ultimate Evelynn Champion Guide - Complete Jungler Build & Strategy

By Marcus Chen

February 26, 2025 at 01:02 AM

Evelynn is an AP assassin jungler who specializes in stealth and burst damage. Her unique invisibility mechanic lets her bypass normal wards, creating constant map pressure and fear in enemy laners.

Abilities Priority: Q > E > W > R

Core Gameplay Pattern:

  1. Start with Q for optimal clear speed
  2. Take E second for additional damage
  3. Choose between W or second Q point at level 3:
    • W for early ganking
    • Q for faster clearing (more common)

Key Combos:

Standard Burst Combo:

  1. Cast W and wait for charm
  2. Q to engage
  3. E to cancel animation
  4. Follow with Q
  5. Auto Attack
  6. Final Q
  7. R to execute or escape

Quick AoE Combo:

  1. Flash into enemy group
  2. Immediate E
  3. R for maximum AoE damage

Pro Tip: Sometimes cast W on a different target than your actual target to mislead enemies about your approach direction.

Core Build:

  • Start: Hailblade + Refillable Potion
  • Core Items: Night Harvester
  • Magic Pen: Sorcerer's Shoes, Void Staff
  • Situational: Rabadon's Deathcap, Shadowflame, Lich Bane


  • Exceptional burst damage
  • Permanent stealth post-6
  • Strong objective control
  • Excellent pick potential


  • Vulnerable early game
  • Relies on snowballing
  • Weak against tanky teams
  • Can be countered by vision control

This champion excels in lower ELO where vision control is weaker and players are less coordinated. Success with Evelynn requires good map awareness, timing, and understanding of enemy vision patterns.

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