Top Pantheon Mid Counter Champions and How to Beat Them
Pantheon Mid Counter Guide
When facing Pantheon in mid lane, understanding his strengths and weaknesses is crucial for success. Here are proven strategies to counter him effectively.
Strong Counter Picks:
- Xerath (Range advantage, strong poke)
- Annie (Reliable stun, burst damage)
- Taliyah (Push and roam potential)
- Zoe (Long-range harass, escape mobility)
- Ahri (Safe laning, strong roam potential)
Early Game Strategy:
- Maintain maximum range to avoid his W (Shield Vault)
- Expect aggressive level 1 plays - he often seeks early kills
- Use range advantage for safe harass
- Conserve health potions and summoner spells
Post-Level 6 Tips:
- Track his movements when missing from lane
- Ward side bushes to prevent Ultimate flanks
- Alert teammates when he roams
- Be cautious returning to lane - he may ult behind you
General Counter Strategy:
- Guard against Flash-W engage combinations
- Ward flanks to prevent side attacks
- Force team fights when he's split pushing
- Focus on surviving early game pressure
- Play defensively until outscaling
Key Power Spike Moments:
- Early game (Level 1-5): Extremely aggressive
- Level 6: Increased roaming threat
- First item completion: Enhanced kill pressure
Remember that Pantheon's strength diminishes in late game, so focusing on safe farming and scaling is often the best strategy. Communicate with your team about his movements and maintain vision control to minimize his impact on other lanes.
Champion Difficulty vs Pantheon:
- Severe: Xerath, Annie
- Average: Most mages
- Hard: Short-range champions
By following these counter strategies and choosing appropriate champions, you can effectively neutralize Pantheon's mid lane pressure and contribute more effectively to your team's success.
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