Elise Support Guide: Ultimate Climbing Strategy & Carry Build
A highly effective Elise Support can dominate the bot lane through precise ability usage and strategic itemization. This guide covers everything you need to know to master this unconventional pick.
Core Abilities Strategy
Level 2 is your essential power spike, requiring both Q and E. Your starting ability depends on the matchup:
- Against engage supports (Nautilus, Pyke, Leona): Start E to counter engages and dodge abilities
- Against ranged supports: E start if you can threaten level 1 all-in
- Against enchanters (Lulu, Karma, Nami): Q start for short trades
Skill Maximization
- Always max Q first for damage
- Second max choice:
- W max: When snowballing for burst damage
- E max: For catch potential (2.4s stun) and lower Spider E cooldown
- Hybrid: Few points in W then E max for balanced approach
Spider Form E Mechanic Tip
- Ground-click E: Elise stays airborne until target selection
- Target-click E: Elise automatically moves in range and lands quickly
- Use ground-click for buying time, target-click for quick engagement
Key Items
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
Core Build:
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Liandry's Anguish
- Shadowflame
- Rabadon's Deathcap
The build focuses on maximizing AP and magic penetration for one-shot potential. Sheen items like Lich Bane synergize well with Spider Q.
Combat Strategy
Early Game:
- Focus on aggressive trades using human form Q
- Save E (Cocoon) for counter-engage or guaranteed hits
- Use spider form for all-in commits only
- Coordinate with ADC for kill pressure
Mid-Late Game:
- Look for picks using Cocoon
- Focus on burst damage against squishies
- Use spider form mobility for objective control
- Position for flank opportunities
This unconventional support pick requires practice but offers high carry potential when mastered.