Garen Champion Guide: The Ultimate Season 14 Top Lane Bruiser
Garen is a formidable toplane bruiser who excels at both taking and dealing damage. His straightforward kit makes him an excellent choice for players seeking a reliable champion with strong lane presence and split-pushing potential.
Core Strengths:
- Strong against armor-heavy champions
- Excellent tank-shredding capabilities
- Dominant against melee fighters
- Effective split-pusher
- High survivability
Abilities Priority:
- E (Judgment)
- Q (Decisive Strike)
- W (Courage)
- R (Demacian Justice)
Early Game Skill Order:
- Level 1: Q
- Level 2: E
- Level 3: W
- Max E first, then Q, finally W
- Take R whenever available (levels 6/11/16)
Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield
- Health Potion
Core Build:
- Berserker's Greaves (Early purchase for mobility and attack speed)
- Black Cleaver
- Dead Man's Plate
- Force of Nature
Situational Items:
- Mortal Reminder (vs. healing)
- Thornmail (vs. heavy AD)
- Spirit Visage (vs. AP damage)
- Sterak's Gage (when ahead)
Laning Strategy:
- Use Q to silence enemies and engage in short trades
- Control wave with E while harassing opponent
- Build early boots to chase down opponents
- Mix bruiser and tank items based on team needs
- Look for split-pushing opportunities mid to late game
Garen excels particularly against champions like Malphite, Irelia, and Yasuo, using his E ability combined with Black Cleaver to shred armor and create opportunities for his team's ADC. His straightforward yet effective kit makes him an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced players looking to dominate the toplane.