Galio Support: The Ultimate Tank Support Guide For Patch 15.4
A powerful CC-focused tank support, Galio excels at engaging enemies and protecting allies with his magic shield capabilities.
Core Abilities
- Shield of Durand (W): Primary engage tool that taunts enemies and provides magic damage shield
- Justice Punch (E): Knockup CC that can affect multiple enemies when clustered
- Heroic Entrance (R): Semi-global ultimate that shields allies and provides strong engage potential
- Winds of War (Q) and Colossal Smash (P): Provide additional damage and wave control
Skill Priority W > E > Q > R Max Shield of Durand first for stronger engages and defensive capabilities.
Starting Items
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Build
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Evenshroud
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
- Knight's Vow
- Zeke's Convergence
- Thornmail/Force of Nature (situational)
- Early Game: Focus on protecting ADC and looking for W-E engage combinations
- Mid Game: Coordinate roams with jungler and use ultimate to support other lanes
- Late Game: Initiate team fights and peel for carries
Key Strengths
- Strong counter to assassins and dive compositions
- Excellent team fight initiation
- Provides both magical and physical damage mitigation
- Semi-global map presence with ultimate
Matchups Favorable against:
- Engage supports (Leona, Nautilus)
- Assassin-heavy team compositions
- Short-range ADCs
Challenging against:
- Poke supports (Karma, Xerath)
- Enchanter supports with disengage
- Mobile ADCs with long range
- Use W-flash combinations for unexpected engages
- Coordinate ultimate with allies who have strong engage tools
- Position aggressively when W is available
- Save E for either engage or disengage based on team composition
Galio support thrives in coordinated teams and excels at both engaging fights and protecting allies, making him a versatile tank support choice in the current meta.