Best Kennen Top Runes & Matchups | Season 15
Kennen Top Lane Runes & Strategy Guide
Optimal Rune Setup
- Primary: Domination
- Secondary: Sorcery
- Win Rate: 51.1% (based on 5,669 matches)
- Best Keystone: Electrocute
Core Runes Primary (Domination):
- Cheap Shot
- Grisly Mementos
- Ultimate Hunter
Secondary (Sorcery):
- Axiom Arcanist
- Absolute Focus
Strong Against
- Tahm Kench (60.7% WR)
- Quinn (58.8% WR)
- Trundle (58.3% WR)
- Aatrox (57.6% WR)
- Cassiopeia (57.5% WR)
- Rumble (57.2% WR)
Weak Against
- Heimerdinger (37.0% WR)
- Swain (42.6% WR)
- Singed (45.6% WR)
- Vladimir (45.6% WR)
- Urgot (46.4% WR)
- Pantheon (47.1% WR)
Best Jungle Synergies
- Shaco (58.4% WR)
- Talon (57.6% WR)
- Jarvan IV (54.4% WR)
- Graves (54.0% WR)
- Xin Zhao (54.0% WR)
- Nocturne (53.5% WR)
Key Gameplay Tips
- Maximize range advantage against melee champions to deny CS and harass safely
- Flank from side angles in teamfights when enemies have strong disengage
- Adapt build path between AP or on-hit based on team composition needs
- Control wave position to maintain safe distance while farming
- Look for Ultimate opportunities in teamfights by positioning unpredictably
Remember that Kennen can be built either AP or on-hit, making him a versatile pick that can adapt to team needs and matchups.
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