Ezreal Guide - ADC Champion Ability Guide & Build
A safe and skilled marksman, Ezreal excels as an ability-based AD carry whose primary damage comes from his Mystic Shot (Q). Unlike traditional ADCs, roughly 70% of his damage comes from abilities rather than auto-attacks.
Core Abilities and Mechanics:
Passive - Rising Spell Force
- Gains 10% attack speed per ability hit (stacks up to 5 times)
- Each stack lasts 6 seconds
Q - Mystic Shot
- Primary damage source
- Reduces other ability cooldowns by 1.5 seconds on hit
- Functions as an auto-attack reset
W - Essence Flux
- Deals bonus magic damage when triggered by abilities or auto-attacks
- Refunds mana cost plus 10 when triggered
- Often overlooked source of damage
E - Arcane Shift
- Provides exceptional safety through quick blink
- Can be used both defensively and offensively
- Faster animation than similar mobility skills
R - Trueshot Barrage
- Global ultimate ability
- Provides vision along path
- Deals reduced damage to minions and non-epic monsters
Optimal Skill Order:
- Start Q > E > W
- Max Q first
- Max E second
- Max W last
- Take R points whenever available
Core Strategy:
- Poke with Q from maximum range
- Use E to reposition and kite
- Apply W for extra burst damage
- Utilize ultimate for wave clear or long-range picks
Build Path Focus:
- Prioritize mana items
- Build Sheen items for Q enhancement
- Balance AD and ability haste
Lane Matchups:
- Strong against skillshot-reliant champions
- Vulnerable to shield supports
- Can farm safely from distance
- Struggles against tanks who can block Q
- Weave auto-attacks between abilities
- Use E carefully, long cooldown early
- Practice Q accuracy for consistent damage
- Manage mana in early game
- Consider Conqueror into tank-heavy teams
Remember, mastering Ezreal requires consistent skillshot accuracy and smart ability usage rather than just auto-attack mechanics.