Dr. Mundo: Champion Guide - How to Play the Juggernaut of Zaun
Dr. Mundo is a durable bruiser who excels in the top lane, utilizing his high sustain and poke potential to dominate extended fights. His unique health-cost mechanics and self-healing abilities make him a formidable opponent, especially in the late game.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional tankiness and sustain
- Strong late-game scaling
- High constant damage output
- Manaless champion
- Effective team fighter
Key Weaknesses:
- Weak early game
- Lacks hard CC
- Can be kited easily
- Relies on hitting Q (Infected Cleaver)
- Vulnerable to grievous wounds
Abilities Overview:
Passive - Goes Where He Pleases
- Periodically resists first immobilizing effect
- Loses 4% current health and drops a healing canister
- Picking up canister restores 4% maximum health
- Increased base health regeneration
Q - Infected Cleaver
- Throws cleaver dealing current health damage
- Slows target by 40% for 2 seconds
- Heals Mundo when hitting champions/monsters (50 health) or minions (25 health)
W - Heart Zapper
- Deals continuous AoE damage
- Stores portion of damage taken
- Heals Mundo upon reactivation based on stored damage
- Area explosion damage
E - Blunt Force Trauma
- Passive: Bonus AD based on maximum health
- Active: Empowered attack dealing missing health damage
- Auto-attack reset
- Throws killed units dealing AoE damage
R - Maximum Dosage
- Instant heal based on missing health
- Movement speed boost
- Regenerates health over 10 seconds
- Enhanced healing near enemy champions
Skill Order: R > Q > E > W
Core Build Path:
- Turbo Chemtank/Sunfire Aegis
- Warmog's Armor
- Spirit Visage/Thornmail (based on enemy damage type)
- Tank items based on enemy composition
Early Game Strategy:
- Farm safely until level 6
- Use Q to last hit and poke
- Preserve health for trades
- Collect healing canisters when safe
Mid-Late Game:
- Split push effectively with strong waveclear
- Frontline in team fights
- Zone enemy carries
- Time ultimate for maximum impact in fights
- Focus on objective control
- Save W for high-damage moments to maximize healing
- Use E as auto-attack reset for burst damage
- Time ultimate before taking heavy damage
- Position to collect healing canisters safely
- Build resistances based on enemy damage types