Darius Champion Guide: Best Top Lane Bruiser Build for Season 15
Top lane's most feared champion, Darius excels at dominating lane phase and carrying games through mid and late game. His unique blend of damage and durability makes him an excellent pick for climbing to Platinum and beyond.
Core Abilities & Skill Order
- Q (Decimate) - Max first
- Primary damage source
- Healing from outer ring
- Essential for wave clear and trading
- W (Crippling Strike) - Take level 1 or 2
- Auto-attack reset
- Slow effect
- Strong for early trades
- E (Apprehend) - Max second
- Pull enemies closer
- Provides armor penetration
- Defensive and offensive utility
- R (Noxian Guillotine)
- Execute ability
- True damage
- Resets on kill
- Take at levels 6, 11, and 16
Early Game Strategy
For aggressive matchups:
- Start W
- Use AA-W-AA combo for 3 stacks
- Consider using Ghost for first blood
For defensive/standard matchups:
- Start Q
- Focus on farming and poking
- Wait for level 3 power spike
Core Item Build
Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion (aggressive matchups)
Core Items:
- Stridebreaker/Trinity Force
- Dead Man's Plate
- Force of Nature
- Death's Dance
- Sterak's Gage
Situational Items:
- Black Cleaver (vs tanks)
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (when ahead)
- Thornmail (vs healing)
Build Strategy
Focus on mobility items early to compensate for Darius's lack of movement speed. Balance damage and tankiness based on game state and team composition. Early boots upgrade is often crucial for maintaining pressure and chase potential.
Combat Tips
- Hit outer Q ring for maximum damage and healing
- Use E to set up guaranteed Q hits
- Stack passive on tanks before switching to carries
- Save ultimate for execute opportunities and reset potential
- Position aggressively in teamfights to zone enemies
This champion excels at punishing positioning mistakes and can snowball entire games through proper ultimate usage and passive management. Focus on fundamentals and wave management to maximize his lane dominance potential.