Comprehensive Nautilus Support Guide - League of Legends Champion Guide
Nautilus is a versatile tank support champion known for his powerful engage potential and crowd control abilities. Here's a comprehensive guide to mastering this champion.
Core Abilities Overview:
- Passive: Staggering Blow - First auto-attack roots target
- Q: Dredge Line - Hooks target and pulls both together
- W: Titan's Wrath - Gains shield and bonus auto-attack damage
- E: Riptide - Creates slowing water explosions
- R: Depth Charge - Launches targeted knockup that affects enemies in path
Skill Priority: R > Q > W > E
Advanced Mechanics:
Q Buffering Technique:
- Cast Q just before being CC'd to continue the ability
- Useful for escaping or counterengaging
- Can target walls to reduce cooldown by 50%
- Essential for high-level play against champions like Leona
Key Combos:
- Basic Engage: Q > Auto > W > E
- Ultimate Combo: Q > Auto > R (on backline target) > W > E
Strategy Tips:
Laning Phase:
- Look for hook opportunities when enemy is last hitting
- Use passive on different targets to maximize CC
- Save ultimate for guaranteed kills or team fights
- Target backline carries with ultimate
- Use Q to peel for your ADC
- Position to hit multiple enemies with E waves
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- Health Potions
Core Build:
- Evenshroud/Locket of the Iron Solari
- Winter's Approach
- Knight's Vow
- Thornmail/Abyssal Mask
Situational Items:
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit)
- Force of Nature (vs magic damage)
- Zeke's Convergence (with auto-attack ADC)
This tank support excels at engaging fights and protecting allies, making him effective in both solo queue and competitive play.