Complete Guide for Nautilus: Master Support Tips and Strategies
Nautilus is a powerful engage support champion with exceptional crowd control abilities and strong early game presence. Here's a comprehensive guide to mastering him:
Early Game Strengths
- Powerful level 2 all-in potential
- Strong lane presence when played aggressively
- Can secure early advantages through trading
- Must manage health carefully to maintain engage threat
Roaming and Map Pressure
- Excellent roaming potential with Boots of Mobility
- Look for roaming opportunities when ADC is safe
- Help secure objectives with jungler
- Ward strategically when enemy positions are known
Ultimate Usage
- Use R for guaranteed picks and engage
- Great for forcing objectives after catches
- Most effective when used from fog of war
- Increased threat at levels 11 and 16 with additional ranks
Team Fighting
- Primary role is to protect carries
- After engaging, fall back to peel for ADC
- Focus nearest threats to your backline
- Stay grouped to prevent enemy engage opportunities
Power Spikes
- Level 2: Full engage combo available
- Level 6: Ultimate provides strong kill pressure
- Level 9: Q maxed for frequent engage opportunities
- Late game: Becomes extremely tanky with items
Key Tips
- Maintain proper positioning against ranged matchups
- Only commit to all-ins with team follow-up
- Use fog of war for surprise engages
- Coordinate with team for objective control
Common Weaknesses
- Vulnerable to poke damage
- Must commit fully to engages
- Reliant on team follow-up
- Limited disengage options
Playing around Nautilus
- Avoid pushing waves early to enable all-ins
- Coordinate roams with jungler
- Use brush control for engage pressure
- Stay healthy to maintain threat presence
Late Game Strategy
- Focus on picks before objectives
- Peel for carries in teamfights
- Utilize tank stats for tower dives
- Create engage opportunities from fog of war
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