Nami Support Guide - Champion Build, Skills & Gameplay Tips 15.4.1
Nami combines offensive and defensive capabilities as an enchanter support, excelling in lane sustain and team fight utility.
Her passive "Surging Tides" grants allies movement speed when hit by her abilities, enhancing team mobility and engagement potential.
Core Abilities
W - Ebb and Flow (Max First)
- Bounces between allies and enemies
- Heals allies and damages enemies
- Primary lane trading and sustain tool
- Can be cast on any target (ally or enemy)
E - Blessing of the Tide Caller
- Empowers ally's next three attacks
- Adds magic damage and slow effect
- Essential for trading and chase potential
Q - Water Prison
- AoE stun with damage
- Slow projectile speed requires prediction
- Best used when enemy movement is restricted
- Most effective after ally CC or during ganks
R - Tidal Wave
- Wide area knockup and slow
- Doubles passive movement speed bonus
- Half-second knockup duration
- Can chain with Q for extended CC
Skill Order
- W > E > Q
- Max W first for lane sustain
- Max E second for consistent trading
- Max Q last, take R whenever possible
Core Build
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
Main Items:
- Moonstone Renewer
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Staff of Flowing Water
Situational Items:
- Redemption
- Mikael's Blessing
- Imperial Mandate (aggressive option)
Laning Strategy
- Use W for both poke and sustain
- Apply E to ADC before trades
- Save Q for ganks or all-in attempts
- Combo: E -> AA -> Q -> AA -> W for maximum impact
- Position safely due to squishiness
- Coordinate CC with jungle ganks
Nami thrives in teams that benefit from her mix of sustain and engage potential. While her skillshots require practice, her straightforward healing and buffing mechanics make her accessible to new players while offering depth for mastery.