Nasus Champion Guide: Master the Stacking Dog in Top Lane
Nasus is a powerful toplaner who transforms into an unstoppable force through strategic farming and patience. His unique playstyle centers around stacking damage with his Q ability, Siphoning Strike.

Champion Image
Core Abilities
- Q (Siphoning Strike): Main damage source that infinitely stacks damage with kills
- W (Wither): Slows enemies and reduces their attack speed
- E (Spirit Fire): Area damage and armor reduction
- R (Fury of the Sands): Gains health, armor, magic resistance, and deals AoE damage
Optimal Skill Order
- Maximize Q first (Siphoning Strike)
- W second (Wither)
- E last (Spirit Fire) Note: Consider putting 1-2 early points in E against difficult matchups for safer farming
Core Build Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions (vs AD)
Core Items:
- Divine Sunderer/Trinity Force (Sheen item)
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
- Spirit Visage
- Dead Man's Plate
- Thornmail
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
Playstyle Guide Early Game:
- Focus on farming Q stacks safely
- Use E to farm from range if needed
- Take W at level 4-5
- Avoid unnecessary trades before first item
Mid Game:
- Split push when Ultimate is available
- Join important team fights
- Focus on taking towers when left alone
- Continue stacking Q whenever possible
Late Game:
- Become a side lane threat
- Focus priority targets in team fights
- Use Wither on key targets
- Tank damage while dealing massive Q damage
Key Tips
- Patience is crucial - don't force early fights
- Farm Q whenever possible
- Use Wither to kite or chase
- Build tanky after first damage item
- Time Ultimate for maximum efficiency in fights
Runes Primary (Precision):
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
Secondary (Resolve):
- Conditioning
- Unflinching