Yuumi: The Ultimate Beginner's Champion Guide for League of Legends
Yuumi is a magical feline Support champion who excels at empowering allies while remaining safely attached to them. Perfect for League of Legends beginners who enjoy a protective playstyle.
Core Abilities Overview:
- Passive (Bop 'n' Block): Periodically empowers auto-attacks to restore mana and grant a shield
- W (You and Me!): Attach to an ally to become untargetable and share adaptive force
- Q (Prowling Projectiles): Fire a guided missile that damages and slows enemies
- E (Zoomies): Heal and grant movement speed to yourself or attached ally
- R (Final Chapter): Release waves that damage and root enemies while healing allies
Ability Priority: R > Q > E > W
Early Game Strategy:
- Start with Spellthief's Edge and 2 health potions
- Attach to your ADC using W
- Harass enemies with guided Q missiles
- Detach occasionally to proc your passive shield
- Save E for healing and escaping ganks
Core Items:
- Moonstone Renewer (Mythic)
- Staff of Flowing Water
- Ardent Censer
Situational Items:
- Chemtech Putrifier (vs healing)
- Mikael's Blessing (vs CC)
- Redemption (team-wide sustain)
Key Tips:
- Stay attached to your strongest ally in teamfights
- Use your passive shield when safe to conserve mana
- Time your ultimate to catch multiple enemies
- Don't detach when enemy CC abilities are available
- Coordinate with your ADC for optimal Q targeting
- Vulnerable when detached
- Relies heavily on allies' positioning
- Limited early game pressure
- CC locks out W attachment
This champion excels in duo queue and with coordinated teams, offering consistent healing, shielding, and utility while remaining relatively safe through proper positioning and attachment timing.