Taric Guide: Essential Support Tank Strategies and Builds
Taric serves as a versatile tank support champion excelling in protection and team fighting. His unique kit combines defensive capabilities with crowd control and healing.
Abilities Overview:
- Passive (Bravery): Empowers next two auto-attacks after ability use, reducing basic ability cooldowns
- Q (Starcall): Area healing that stacks charges based on ability level
- W (Bastion): Links to ally, sharing ability casts and granting armor bonus
- E (Dazzle): Line stun ability that damages enemies
- R (Cosmic Radiance): Team-wide invulnerability after delay
Person wearing gaming headset
Optimal Skill Order:
- Max E (Dazzle) first for reliable crowd control
- Get Q to level 2 at level 4 for enhanced healing
- Max W (Bastion) second for increased armor sharing
- Max Q last, taking R whenever possible
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Essential Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Knight's Vow
- Zeke's Convergence
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Frozen Heart (vs attack speed)
Gameplay Tips:
- Utilize passive auto-attacks to reduce ability cooldowns
- Link Bastion to priority carries for protection
- Position carefully to maximize healing radius
- Time ultimate to counter enemy burst damage
- Coordinate stuns with team engage
Taric excels in extended team fights, offering consistent healing, protection, and crowd control while building tanky to frontline effectively. His versatility allows him to adapt between aggressive and defensive playstyles based on team composition and match context.
For optimal performance, focus on positioning to maximize ability impacts while maintaining close proximity to linked allies. Use Bastion wisely to extend ability reach and protect priority targets during crucial moments.