Top 10 Win Rates: Solo Queue vs. Competitive League of Legends
A comprehensive analysis of win rates across Solo Queue (Platinum+) and Competitive play in League of Legends, broken down by role:
Top Lane
- Solo queue favorites rarely see competitive play, with Irelia being the sole exception
- Popular competitive picks like Gnar, Hecarim, and Shen show surprisingly poor win rates despite frequent selection
- Many successful competitive picks are actually pocket picks by specific players
- Limited champion pool in competitive play, with only 7 junglers maintaining 50%+ win rates
- Gragas and Rek'Sai dominate pick rates (180 and 186 games respectively)
- Notable specialist picks include Azingy's Zac (3/3), ReignOver's Olaf (3/3), and Fr3deric's Wukong
Mid Lane
- Twisted Fate and Ahri excel in both competitive and solo queue, though see limited competitive play
- New picks like Ezreal and Jayce show below-average win rates, possibly due to learning curves
- Diana shows strong performance (6/7) when removing the 10-game minimum requirement
- LeBlanc's success rate declined after W speed nerf
AD Carry
- Sivir dominates both environments with 57% win rate in nearly 200 competitive games
- Ezreal shows surprisingly strong competitive performance
- Urgot maintains high win rate despite falling out of meta
- Tristana (30% in 20 games) and Lucian (26.8% in 63 games) struggle in competitive play
- Top competitive picks (Alistar, Thresh, Nautilus) all show sub-50% win rates
- Morgana counters engage supports effectively, boasting highest win rate among frequently played supports
- BunnyFuFuu's Shen support maintains 100% win rate in limited showing (2/2)
All statistics sourced from (competitive) and (Solo Queue, Platinum+ only).
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[Additional images retained as per original article]