Tahm Kench Support Guide: Complete Tank Support Tutorial for Season 14
An Ancient Vastayan demon, Tahm Kench excels as a defensive support champion with unique protective abilities and crowd control options. His kit makes him particularly effective against CC-heavy supports and assassins.
Core Abilities Overview
- Tongue Lash (Q): Primary poke tool that slows enemies and applies stacks
- Dive Into The Abyss (W): Area knockup ability with good engage potential
- Thick Skin (E): Converts damage into gray health, can be activated for shield
- Devour (R): Signature ability to swallow allies (for protection) or enemies (for CC)
- Exquisite Taste (P): Applies stacks through basic attacks and abilities
Skill Priority
- R > Q > W > E
Optimal Playstyle Position near your ADC and use Tongue Lash to harass enemies while building stacks. After applying three stacks, you can either stun with Q or Devour enemies for significant damage. For allies, Devour provides immunity and a shield without requiring stacks.
Key Itemization
Starting Items:
- Relic Shield
- 2 Health Potions
Core Build:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Knight's Vow
- Zeke's Convergence
Situational Items:
- Frozen Heart (vs AD-heavy teams)
- Force of Nature (vs AP-heavy teams)
- Anathema's Chains (vs single carry threat)
Strategic Tips
- Use Tongue Lash to slow enemies before following up with Dive Into The Abyss
- Save Devour primarily for protecting allies from burst damage
- Manage gray health conversion through Thick Skin for optimal survivability
- Coordinate with your team when using Devour + W combination for unexpected engages
- Position defensively in teamfights to peel for your carries
Primary (Resolve):
- Guardian
- Font of Life
- Bone Plating
- Unflinching
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Perfect Timing
- Cosmic Insight
Tahm Kench thrives in defensive setups where he can protect high-value targets while disrupting enemy engages through his crowd control abilities and unique Devour mechanic.
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