Smolder Champion Guide - Master Your Baby Dragon ADC
A deadly marksman, Smolder evolves from a baby dragon into a formidable late-game carry using his unique Dragon Training passive and devastating abilities.
Man in black shirt headshot
Core Abilities:
Passive - Dragon Training: Gain stacks by killing units with Q or hitting champions with abilities. Each stack increases ability damage.
Q - Super Fire Breath: Shoots a fireball that evolves through three ranks:
- Rank 1: Area explosion
- Rank 2: Additional explosions behind target
- Rank 3: True damage over time plus execute on low-health targets
W - Achoo!: Releases a fiery sneeze that damages and slows enemies, with increased damage from explosions when hitting champions.
E - Flutter, flutter, flutter: Temporarily fly and gain movement speed, crossing terrain while attacking nearby enemies (prioritizes lowest-health champions).
R - MAAAMAAAA!: Summons mother's fire wave dealing damage and slowing enemies in its path. Heals Smolder when hit by the wave.
Ability Order: Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Situational Q or W priority based on lane matchup
- Consider 2-3 points in W for safer farming
- Focus on gathering passive stacks through minions/champions
Mid-Late Game:
- Maximize Q
- Complete W
- Max E
- Take R at 6/11/16
Core Build Path:
- Starting: Standard ADC items
- Core: Focus on AD and Crit
- Late Game: Add armor penetration and lifesteal
- Note: Minimal attack speed required
Key Tips:
- When using E, ensure you cross terrain by at least 51% to avoid falling back
- Scale safely through early game
- Leverage W for safe farming when needed
- Position carefully to maximize R's healing potential
Smolder excels as a late-game carry, requiring patient play during the early phases while gathering Dragon Training stacks for maximum impact.