Rengar Champion Guide: Master the Ultimate League of Legends Assassin
Rengar is a high-burst assassin jungler who excels at eliminating single targets quickly. His playstyle revolves around ambushing isolated enemies and creating map pressure through superior mobility and vision control.
Key Abilities:
- Q: Primary damage source, max first
- E: Bola Strike for CC, max second
- W: Defensive tool for CC removal, max last
- R: Ultimate for stealth and target marking
Core Build:
- Starting: Emberknife, Refillable Potion
- Core Items: Duskblade of Draktharr, Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge
- Situational: Lord Dominik's Regards (vs armor), Guardian Angel (survivability)
Optimal Runes:
- Precision: Press the Attack or Lethal Tempo
- Dominance: Sudden Impact, Ultimate Hunter
- Exceptional single-target burst damage
- Strong objective control (Drake, Herald)
- Excellent mobility and ganking potential
- Strong early game presence
- Vulnerable to CC and grouping
- Limited effectiveness when behind
- Team-reliant for vision control
- Struggles against tanky compositions
Early Game Tips:
- Focus on farming to level 6
- Look for isolated targets
- Track enemy jungler
- Secure vision around objectives
Mid/Late Game Strategy:
- Split push to create pressure
- Pick off isolated targets
- Control vision in enemy jungle
- Focus on objective control
Teamfight Role:
- Wait for key cooldowns
- Target priority: ADC/Mid
- Use W wisely for escape
- Don't engage first
Remember to adapt your build and playstyle based on team composition and game state. Vision control is crucial for Rengar's success, so coordinate with your team for optimal results.