Skarner Guide: Master the Crystal Vanguard in Jungle
Crystal Vanguard of the Brackern, Skarner excels as a powerful jungler and initiator. His ability to control fights through slows and stuns makes him a formidable force in team compositions.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional crowd control capabilities
- High durability in teamfights
- Strong objective control
- Reliable engage potential
Skill Order Priority:
- Q - Crystal Slash (Max First)
- W - Crystalline Exoskeleton (Max Second)
- E - Fracture
- R - Impale (Take at 6, 11, 16)
Level 1-3 sequence: Q > E > W
Early Game Strategy:
- Start with Q for efficient jungle clearing
- Secure E at level 2 for ganking potential
- Use W for mobility and survivability
Optimal Build Path Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Turbo Chemtank (Mythic)
- Dead Man's Plate
- Force of Nature
- Thornmail
Situational Items:
- Randuin's Omen (vs heavy AD)
- Abyssal Mask (vs AP)
- Frozen Heart (vs auto-attackers)
Jungling Tips:
- Prioritize efficient clear paths
- Look for early ganks post-level 3
- Control objectives with strong single-target damage
- Use ultimate strategically to isolate key targets
Teamfight Approach:
- Initiate with W for speed boost
- Land E for area slow
- Follow up with ultimate on priority targets
- Use Q to maintain damage and slow
Mid-Late Game Focus:
- Peel for carries
- Control neutral objectives
- Create pick opportunities
- Tank damage for team
Building Skarner as a tank jungler maximizes his natural durability while maintaining enough damage to clear camps efficiently. His success relies heavily on proper positioning and timing of crowd control abilities.