Sion Tank Guide: Ultimate Champion Build for Season 15
Glory to Noxus! Sion is a formidable tank with impressive damage potential and excellent engage capabilities. Here's your comprehensive guide to mastering the Undead Juggernaut.
Core Strengths
- Exceptional tankiness through W passive health stacking
- Strong waveclear and lane presence
- Powerful engage tool with ultimate
- Impactful mid-game teamfight potential
Ability Priority
- Q - Decimating Smash
- W - Soul Furnace
- E - Roar of the Slayer
- R - Unstoppable Onslaught
Pro Tip: Place two points in Q by level 3 for increased damage without additional mana cost.
Core Build Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Alternative: Corrupting Potion
Core Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Plated Steelcaps
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Warmog's Armor (for sustained fights)
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on farming with Q
- Stack W passive by last-hitting minions
- Conserve mana - avoid ability spam
- Use E to harass safely
- Look for charged Q opportunities when enemy steps up
Mid Game Focus
- Group for objectives
- Use ultimate to initiate teamfights
- Create pressure in side lanes
- Coordinate engages with team
Key Runes Primary (Resolve):
- Grasp of the Undead
- Demolish
- Conditioning
- Overgrowth
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Perfect Timing
- Approach Velocity
Combat Tips
- Charge Q from bushes for surprise CC
- Use W shield just before taking damage
- E can slow multiple targets through minions
- R is excellent for roaming and returning to lane
Sion excels as a frontline tank who can both absorb and deal significant damage. Master his positioning and timing to become an unstoppable force in teamfights.
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