Kennen Top: Best Counter Picks and Matchups
Laning Against Kennen
When facing Kennen in lane, maintain a safe distance to avoid his Q and basic attack pokes, especially if you're playing a melee champion. Prioritize experience over CS when necessary.
Monitor Kennen's build path carefully and adjust your itemization accordingly. His versatile build options require different counter strategies.
Avoid extended trades, as they favor Kennen. Engage only when his energy is low or when he lacks Mark of the Storm stacks for stunning.

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Strategy Against Kennen
In team fights, avoid enclosed spaces like Dragon or Baron pits where Kennen's Ultimate can be devastating. Maintain proper spacing between teammates to minimize his AOE damage impact.
Use peel and disengage tactics when Kennen approaches. Maintain proper vision control to prevent flanking attempts.
Consistently poke Kennen to keep his HP low before team fights, limiting his engage potential.
Power Spikes and Counter Play
Key power spikes:
- Level 6: Kennen gains significant kill pressure with his Ultimate
- Item completions: Watch for major item purchases that boost his damage
Counter Tips:
- Spread out during team fights to minimize Ultimate damage
- Disengage quickly when his Ultimate activates
- Keep vision control to prevent surprise engages
- Choose champions with strong disengage abilities
Strong Counters:
- Heimerdinger
- Swain
- Olaf
- Singed
- Vladimir
Weak Matchups:
- Tryndamere
- Malphite
- Cho'Gath
- Gangplank
- Irelia
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