Pyke Support: Complete Guide to Mastering the Bloodharbor Ripper
Pyke is a mechanically demanding support champion with powerful roaming and execution potential. His kit revolves around securing kills and generating extra gold for his team through his Ultimate (R).
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional mobility through W (Ghostwater Dive) and E (Phantom Undertow)
- High gold generation from Ultimate (R) executions
- Strong pick potential and team fight impact
- Effective roaming capabilities
Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Strong all-in potential with Q and E combination
- Level 6: Access to execute Ultimate (R)
- Mobility Boots: Enhanced roaming ability
- Level 16: Maximum Ultimate (R) power with lowest cooldown
Early Game Strategy:
- Push for level 2 advantage
- Look for aggressive trades and kill opportunities
- Focus on landing hooks (Q) for engage
- Begin roaming once mobility boots are acquired
Mid Game Approach:
- Rotate between lanes seeking picks
- Set up vision around upcoming objectives
- Support team in skirmishes with CC and executes
- Look for flank opportunities using stealth
Late Game Focus:
- Maintain vision control around major objectives
- Stay grouped with team to avoid being caught
- Peel for carries during team fights
- Look for execute opportunities on multiple targets
Key Tips:
- Don't waste Q - play safe when it's on cooldown
- Track enemy Flash cooldowns to land Ultimate (R)
- Ward safely with team backup
- Coordinate picks with allies
- Use mobility to escape dangerous situations
Game Impact:
- Create pressure through constant roaming
- Generate gold advantage through successful executes
- Provide pick potential and crowd control
- Enable team fights through multi-target executes
Difficulty: High Learning curve: Steep Playstyle: Aggressive, Roaming Support