Poppy Champion Guide: Master the Guardian of the Hammer in Season 15
Iron Ambassador (Passive): Poppy's next attack becomes ranged, throwing her buckler for bonus magic damage. The buckler can be picked up for a shield based on max health.
Hammer Shock (Q): Slams ground, creating an area that explodes after 1 second. Both hits deal physical damage plus 9% max health.
Heroic Charge (E): Charges at target enemy, carrying them along. If they hit terrain, stuns and deals bonus damage.
Steadfast Presence (W):
- Passive: Gains bonus armor/magic resist, doubled below 40% health
- Active: Gains 40% movement speed and blocks enemy dashes, dealing damage and slowing them
Keeper's Verdict (R):
- Hold: Channel up to 4s to knock enemies far towards their base
- Tap: Quick cast knocks enemies up briefly with reduced damage
Core Build:
- Start: Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Core: Sunfire Aegis > Thornmail > Force of Nature
- Boots: Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads
Optimal Skill Order: R > Q > E > W
- Excellent anti-engage tank
- Strong duelist with % health damage
- Good at peeling for carries
- Versatile ultimate for engage/disengage
- Struggles vs ranged champions
- Limited engage potential
- Terrain-dependent abilities
- Can be kited by mobile champions
- Use passive shield for trades and cs
- Position near walls to threaten E stun
- Save W for important enemy dashes
- Use R strategically in teamfights to isolate targets
Best Matchups:
- Dash-reliant champions (Riven, Shen)
- Other tanks
Avoid Fighting:
- Ranged tops (Gangplank, Teemo)
- Strong duelists (Darius, Garen)
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