Pantheon Toplane: Complete Champion Strategy Guide for Patch 15.4.1
Pantheon is a powerful top lane assassin who excels at aggressive play and early game dominance. His kit combines strong poke, mobility, and devastating all-in potential.
Core Abilities:
- Q (Comet Spear): Primary damage source and poke tool
- W (Shield Leap): Gap closer with stun
- E (Aegis Rush): Defensive ability and damage
- R (Grand Starfall): Map-wide mobility and engage
Skill Order Priority:
- Q - Comet Spear (Max first)
- E/W - Depends on matchup:
- E second: Better waveclear and defense
- W second: Increased burst damage (preferred by OTP players) Level 3 Tip: Consider second Q point for increased poke if enemy jungler presence is low
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Long Sword + 3 Health Potions
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Core Items:
- Eclipse / Divine Sunderer
- Black Cleaver
- Death's Dance
Situational Items:
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel
- Serylda's Grudge
- Edge of Night
Early Game:
- Aggressive trading with Q poke
- Look for W engages when enemy cooldowns are down
- Use E to block return damage in trades
Mid Game:
- Roam with ultimate to secure objectives
- Split push when ahead
- Look for picks on squishier targets
Late Game:
- Focus on assassinating priority targets
- Use ultimate for flanks
- Block crucial damage with E in teamfights
Key Tips:
- Utilize passive for enhanced abilities
- Time trades around enemy cooldowns
- Communicate ultimate roams with team
- Balance between damage and survivability in itemization
Counter Strategy:
- Avoid extended trades when enemy combos are up
- Play around E cooldown
- Build armor early
- Watch map for ultimate flanks
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