Pantheon Mid Lane Complete Guide - Master the Spartan Warrior
Role: Bruiser Lane: Midlane
Pantheon is a dominant midlane champion with extraordinary early game potential and strong roaming capabilities. His kit combines reliable damage output with targeted CC, making him excellent at punishing positioning mistakes and snowballing advantages.
Core Strengths:
- Powerful early game presence
- Strong burst damage and sustained DPS
- Point-and-click CC with W
- Effective roaming potential with ultimate
- Dominates most melee matchups
Key Weaknesses:
- Limited mobility outside of W
- Poor waveclear
- Can be kited by mobile champions
- Falls off in late game
Skill Order Priority: Q > E > W > R
Passive - Mortal Will: After 5 attacks or abilities, empowers next ability for enhanced effects.
Q - Comet Spear:
- Tap: Quick thrust dealing physical damage
- Hold: Throws spear for full damage to first target, half to others
- Critically strikes targets below 20% health
- Main damage source and waveclear tool
W - Shield Vault:
- Point-and-click stun (1 second)
- Empowered version triggers triple auto-attack
- Essential for engaging and CC
E - Aegis Assault:
- Blocks frontal damage for 1.5 seconds
- Deals physical damage in cone
- Empowered version grants 60% movement speed
- Key defensive ability
R - Grand Starfall:
- Passive: Grants armor penetration
- Active: Long-range leap dealing AoE damage
- Slows enemies by 50% for 2 seconds
- Excellent for roaming and joining teamfights
Core Combat Combos: Trading Combo: W > AA > Q > AA > E Ultimate Combo: R > AA > W > AA > Q > E
Build Path Focus:
- AD and Lethality items for maximum damage
- Consider armor penetration against tanky teams
- Prioritize early game power spike items
- Dominate early lane phase
- Look for roaming opportunities post-6
- Use ultimate to influence side lanes
- Focus on shutting down priority targets
- Maintain map pressure through strong side lane presence
This concise guide should help position Pantheon as a potent midlane pick; your success depends on aggressive early game plays and strategic roaming to snowball advantages across the map.
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