Ornn Guide: Ultimate Tank Champion for Season 15 Toplane
Living Forge allows Ornn to craft items directly in lane, making him a unique tank with strong trading potential. His ability to upgrade allies' Mythic items provides significant late-game scaling for the team.
Basic Abilities:
- Passive: Living Forge and Master Craftsman
- Q: Volcanic Rupture
- W: Bellows Breath
- E: Searing Charge
- R: Call of the Forge God
Skill Order Priority:
- W > E > Q (Standard matchups)
- Q (3 points) > W > E > Q (Ranged matchups)
Early levels can be adapted:
- Q-W-Q for poke
- Q-W-W for all-in potential at level 3
Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Corrupting Potion (vs heavy poke)
Core Build:
- Iceborn Gauntlet
- Sunfire Aegis
- Thornmail
- Force of Nature
- Warmog's Armor
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Trade using W-E-Q combo
- Save R for teamfights or crucial picks
- Utilize passive to stay in lane longer
- Focus on farming and scaling in challenging matchups
- Coordinate item upgrades with team's power spikes
- Strong lane presence
- Excellent teamfight initiation
- High burst potential for a tank
- Item forging provides unique advantages
- Valuable team utility through item upgrades
Early Game:
- Focus on safe farming
- Trade when W is available
- Use Q to farm from distance against ranged matchups
- Look for short trades with W-auto-E combo
Mid-Late Game:
- Initiate teamfights with ultimate
- Peel for carries
- Upgrade ally items strategically
- Create terrain for team positioning
- Focus on objective control
Note: Ornn becomes increasingly valuable as the game progresses due to his ability to upgrade items for teammates and strong teamfight presence.
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