Nautilus Support - Complete Champion Guide & Build Strategy
Nautilus is a powerful support champion with high engage potential and strong map presence. Here's your comprehensive guide to mastering him:
Early Game Strengths and Strategies
Nautilus has exceptional level 2 all-in potential. Aim to reach level 2 first and look for aggressive plays to gain lane advantage or force summoner spells.
Positioning is crucial during the laning phase. Stay healthy by avoiding poke damage, as low health will prevent effective engages. When cooldowns are down, maintain safe positioning outside auto-attack range.
Once you acquire Boots of Mobility, your roaming potential increases significantly. Ideal roaming opportunities include:
- Direct routes from base
- When your ADC is safely farming
- When assisting jungle invades
Mid Game Tactics
Keep these key strategies in mind during the mid game:
- Group with your team consistently
- Ward strategically when enemy positions are known
- Look for picks using your Ultimate (R)
- Peel for carries during team fights
- Protect your ADC at all costs
Power Spikes
- Level 2: Unlocks full engage combo
- Level 6: Ultimate provides strong pick potential
- Boots completion: Enhanced roaming capability
- Two points in Ultimate: Increased frequency of picks
- Multiple completed items: Significant durability increase
Late Game Impact
Your role becomes increasingly important in the late game:
- Focus on protecting carries
- Initiate team fights through picks
- Use Ultimate from fog of war for maximum effect
- Tank tower shots and enemy damage
- Create unfair fight advantages through pick potential
Important Considerations
- Don't engage without team follow-up
- Avoid getting poked down in lane
- Stay with your team, especially your ADC
- Time engages when allies can follow
- Ward safely to avoid getting picked off
Compatible Champions

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