Maokai Guide: Complete Champion Build & Strategy for Current Patch
Maokai is a powerful tank champion who excels at crowd control and team fights. His abilities provide multiple forms of CC while maintaining good sustain through his passive healing.
Passive - Sap Magic Every 20-30 seconds, Maokai's next auto-attack deals bonus damage and heals him. The cooldown reduces by 4 seconds when using or being hit by abilities, and 1.5 seconds from large monsters.
Core Abilities Priority
- Q - Bramble Smash: Knockback wave that deals damage and slows enemies
- W - Twisted Advance: Root dash that locks onto targets
- E - Sapling Toss: Area control tool that deals extra damage from bushes
Ultimate - Nature's Grasp Sends forth a wall of roots that damage and root enemies, with root duration increasing based on travel distance.
Standard Combo E -> W -> AA -> Q -> AA
Ultimate Combo R -> E -> AA -> W -> AA -> Q -> AA
- Multiple forms of CC (3 hard CC, 1 soft CC)
- Strong sustain through passive healing
- Excellent team fight presence
- Easy to learn and execute
- Needs 2 items to become properly tanky
- Vulnerable to early lane bullies
- Struggles against tank shredders
Strong Against
- Sion
- Tahm Kench
- Cho'Gath
Weak Against
- Quinn
- Gwen
- Olaf
Pro Tips
- Buffer Q with Flash for surprise engages
- Use E to safely check bushes
- Cast R sideways for immediate roots
- Saplings deal more damage from bushes
- W follows targets through Flash/dashes
Maokai excels in extended fights where he can utilize his passive healing and multiple CC abilities to control the battlefield while sustaining through damage.
Note: Article was concisely rewritten based on core information while maintaining all original facts and strategic value.