Malphite Champion Guide: Ultimate Tank Top Lane Strategy
Malphite is a straightforward tank champion who excels in the toplane, particularly against AD-based opponents. His simple kit and high durability make him an excellent choice for newer players and especially effective in lower ranks.
Primary Role: Tank Preferred Lane: Top Strengths: Easy to play, Extremely tanky, Strong against AD champions Weaknesses: Vulnerable to AP damage, Limited mobility pre-6
Ability Priority The skill order varies based on matchup:
- vs Ranged Champions (Teemo, Quinn, Gnar): Max Q first
- vs Auto-attackers (Irelia, Jax, Olaf): Max E first
- vs Melee Casters (Riven, Renekton): Max W first
Runes Primary: Sorcery Secondary: Inspiration
Core Build Path Start with:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
Core Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Plated Steelcaps
- Thornmail
Situational Items:
- Frozen Heart (vs heavy AD)
- Force of Nature (vs AP threats)
- Warmog's Armor (for sustained fights)
Key Strategy Malphite's gameplay revolves around stacking armor and exploiting enemy AD champions. His abilities scale with armor, making him increasingly powerful as he builds defensive items. However, avoid blind-picking him as AP champions can exploit his weaknesses.
Laning Tips
- Use Q to harass and disengage from trades
- Save ultimate for guaranteed kills or team fights
- Against AD champions, focus on building armor early
- Play passively pre-6, then look for ultimate opportunities
- Use E to counter attack-speed-based champions
Team Fighting Focus on engaging with ultimate on priority targets, then use E to reduce enemy attack speed while soaking damage for your team.
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