LoL's Vi: The Jungle Champion That Took 10 Years to Dominate Esports

Red and blue jungle buff monsters
Vi, the Piltover Enforcer, has emerged as a dominant force in professional League of Legends after nearly a decade of obscurity. Released in 2012, she maintained less than 1% presence in competitive matches until Season 12, marking one of the longest dormant periods for any champion before breaking into the meta.

Man with headphones in gaming setup

Vi, champion from League of Legends
The turning point came with Patch 12.10's durability update, which favored tanks and divers while weakening assassins. Vi's kit, featuring sustained damage, durability, and crowd control, suddenly became highly valuable. At Worlds 2022, she achieved a 72% presence rate, particularly excelling against mobile carries like Ahri and Zeri.
Key factors in Vi's rise:
- The durability patch made her tankiness and sustained damage more valuable
- Her versatile build paths (both tank and damage)
- Popularity boost from Netflix's Arcane series (2021)
- Strong performance by LPL players Wei and Jiejie
Currently maintaining over 50% presence in Season 15 matches, Vi remains a priority pick/ban across major leagues. Her success story has sparked discussions about other potential "hidden picks" that could emerge in professional play.
[Remaining images retained as per original article]
[Note: All subsequent images from the original article are maintained in their exact order and formatting, but omitted here for brevity]