League of Legends Wiki: Tiamat Item Guide
Tiamat is a melee-focused item that provides area-of-effect damage capabilities through both passive and active effects.
- Attack Damage: 20
- Cost: 1200 gold
- Recipe: 2x Long Sword + 500g
Passive - Cleave
- Basic attacks deal 75% AD physical damage to nearby enemies
- Does not work against structures
- Not blocked by spell shields
- Triggers even if the basic attack doesn't deal damage
Active - Crescent
- Deals area physical damage around you
- 10-second cooldown
- Blocked by spell shields
- Cast time equals user's attack windup
- Breaks stealth
- Centered offset from user in facing direction
Key Features
- Limited to 1 Cleave item
- Available for both melee and ranged champions
- Builds into Profane Hydra, Ravenous Hydra, Titanic Hydra, and Stridebreaker
Important Notes
- Cleave deals physical damage and won't trigger spell effects
- Crescent's radius is centered at the champion's basic attack range
- Item slot changes during Crescent cast will cancel the effect
- Gold efficiency: 58.33% (base stats only)
- Named after Tiamat, the first dragon in Babylonian mythology
- References the five-headed dragon goddess from Dungeons & Dragons
- Building into three Hydra items alludes to the many-headed Hydra beast
The item serves as a core farming and waveclear tool for fighters and tanks, providing both consistent passive AoE damage and an active burst option.