Stealth Ward: The Essential Vision Item Removed from League of Legends
Stealth Ward was a consumable item in League of Legends that provided vision control through invisible wards. It was removed from the game in patch V5.22.
Key Features:
- Cost: 75 gold (reduced from original 90)
- Duration: 180 seconds
- Cast range: 600
- Health: 3 HP (takes 1 damage per hit)
- Maximum carry limit: 3 wards per player
- Players could only have 3 active wards placed at once
Strategic Uses:
- Providing vision in key brush locations and intersections
- Monitoring Dragon and Baron Nashor objectives
- Map awareness for potential ganks
- Champion movement tracking
- Enabling ward-jump abilities for champions like Lee Sin and Jax
Notable Mechanics:
- Wards placed in walls would automatically move to the nearest valid location
- Teleporting to a ward revealed it temporarily
- Wards granted gold to destroyers and those providing detection
- Could be used to safely detonate Teemo's Noxious Traps
Quick Ward Clearing Techniques:
- Fiora: Auto-attack + Bladework
- Shyvana: Twin Bite + auto-attack
- Lucian: Auto-attack + ability + Lightslinger passive
- Renekton: Auto-attack + Ruthless Predator
- Leona: Auto-attack + Shield of Daybreak
- Jayce: Hyper Charge in Cannon form
- Master Yi: Double Strike passive
- Lee Sin: Safeguard ward-jump
- Jax: Leap Strike ward-jump
Final Changes:
- Added spawn and death animations
- Larger green icon above placed wards
- Targeting indicator when placing in brush
- 0.5 second cooldown between placements
- Removed in patch V5.22