League of Legends Wiki: All About the Mana System
Mana is a crucial resource in League of Legends that determines a champion's ability to cast spells. It's represented by the blue bar below the health indicator and functions as a limiting factor for ability usage.
Base mana increases automatically with champion level, while bonus mana can be acquired through items, runes, and buffs. Each point of mana has a gold value of 1.
mana bar
Key Aspects of Mana:
- Regenerates slowly over time
- Can be restored through specific abilities, items, and effects
- Stacks additively (both flat and percentage values)
- Some champions are manaless and use alternative resources
Mana Scaling Sources:
- Champion abilities (like Ryze's spells and Kassadin's Riftwalk)
- Items (including Archangel's Staff, Manamune, and Seraph's Embrace)
- Runes (Presence of Mind, Manaflow Band)
- Summoner Spells (Clarity)
- Neutral buffs (Ocean Dragon Soul)
Ways to Increase Mana:
- Items and their passives (Tear of the Goddess, Winter's Approach)
- Champion abilities (like Ryze's Arcane Mastery)
- Runes (Manaflow Band)
Several champions have abilities whose mana costs decrease with rank or level, including:
- Ashe's Volley
- Cassiopeia's Twin Fang
- Lucian's Relentless Pursuit
- Udyr's stance abilities
The maximum achievable mana in the game is 6,796.293 with Ryze at level 18, achieved through a specific combination of items, runes, buffs, and his passive ability that scales with AP.