League of Legends Swain's Patch History: Recent Changes and Bug Fixes
Here's a concise patch history for Swain:
Latest Changes:
Demonic Ascension
- Fixed healing reduction against Voidmites
- Added Soul Fragment health gain display
- Takedowns now fully restore Demonic Energy
- Auto-casts Demonflare on expiry
Death's Hand
- Base damage increased: 65/85/105/125/145 (from 60/80/100/120/140)
- AP ratio increased to 40% (from 38%)
- Max AP ratio increased to 80% (from 70%)
Stats Adjustments
- Mana growth increased to 29 (from 28.5)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed recast pulls on stasis targets
- Fixed knocked up/stunned animations
- Fixed ultimate cooldown indicator display
- Fixed SFX issues with soul drain
Major Changes History:
Combat Stats
- Base health: 595 (from 525)
- Health growth: 99 (from 85)
- Armor growth: 5.2 (from 4)
- MR growth: 1.3 (from 0.5)
Ability Updates
- Ravenous Flock healing reduced
- Vision of Empire damage and AP ratios adjusted
- Nevermove mechanics improved
- Demonic Ascension healing and functionality reworked
Visual Updates
- Complete visual overhaul
- New splash art for base and several skins
- New voice over and lore update
The changes focus on improving Swain's sustain mechanics while adjusting his damage ratios for better balance.