League of Legends: Rumble Patch History and Changes
Patch History - Rumble's Key Changes
Combat Abilities:
Flamespitter (Q):
- Current base damage: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 per tick (max 60/90/120/150/180)
- AP ratio reduced to 8.333% per tick (max 100% AP)
- Minion damage now 70% at all ranks
- Now deals additional tick if it would kill a minion
Scrap Shield (W):
- Shield base values: 25/55/85/115/145
- AP ratio: 25% AP
- Now scales with 4% max health
- 6 second cooldown at all ranks
Electro Harpoon (E):
- Current base damage: 55/80/105/130/155
- Magic resistance reduction: 10/12/14/16/18%
- Maximum reduction: 20/24/28/32/36%
- Danger Zone bonus: 15/18/21/24/27%
The Equalizer (R):
- Cooldown: 130/105/80 seconds
- Now triggers effects from DoT AoE abilities
- Targeting improved with Clamp Cast enabled
Junkyard Titan (Passive):
- Max heat increased to 150 from 100
- Overheat threshold: 150 heat
- Danger Zone threshold remains at 50
- Overheat duration: 4 seconds
- Bonus attack speed: 50-130% (based on level)
- Monster damage cap: 65-150 (based on level)
Stats Changes:
- Base health: 625 (+105 per level)
- Base health regen: 7
- Base armor: 36
- Base attack damage: 64