League of Legends Mana Regeneration Guide
Mana regeneration, or MP5, is a stat that determines how quickly a unit's mana is restored passively over time, measured per 5 seconds. It occurs in 0.5-second intervals and stops when mana is full.
Key Points About Mana Regeneration:
- Stacks additively (both flat and percentage values)
- Every champion has base mana regeneration that increases per level
- Gold value: 60 gold per point for flat regeneration, 4 gold per point for percentage
Ways to Restore Mana:
- Champion Abilities
- Notable examples: Bard's Traveler's Call, Kassadin's Nether Blade, Xerath's Mana Surge
- Some abilities refund mana on kill/hit (Annie's Q, Cassiopeia's E)
- Items
- Core items: Doran's Ring, Lost Chapter, Essence Reaver
- Consumables: Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will, Elixir of Sorcery
- Runes
- Manaflow Band
- Presence of Mind
- Other Sources
- Summoner's Rift fountain
- Ocean Dragon Soul
- Leveling up (based on champion's mana growth)
- Health Relics (Howling Abyss)
- Clarity summoner spell
Map-Specific Features:
- Howling Abyss grants bonus mana regeneration equal to 0.75% of maximum mana
- Summoner's Rift fountain restores mana each second
Maximum Potential: The highest attainable mana regeneration is approximately 3,620 mana per 5 seconds (724 per second), achievable by a level 18 Ryze with specific item builds and buffs.
This stat is crucial for sustained ability usage in lane and teamfights, particularly for mana-intensive champions.