League of Legends: Kennen Patch History and Updates
Here's the concise patch history for Kennen in League of Legends, organized chronologically by major changes:
Latest Changes:
- Thundering Shuriken (Q): AP ratio reduced to 75% from 85%
- Base health reduced to 580 from 611
- Lightning Rush: Added collision radius indicator
- Slicing Maelstrom: Can now move during cast time
Key Balance Updates:
- Base Stats:
- Base health increased to 611 from 541
- Health growth increased to 98 from 84
- Armor growth increased to 4.95 from 3.75
- Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3 from 0.5
Ability Updates:
Electrical Surge:
- Now grants maximum passive stacks on respawn
- Effect radius adjusted to 775 units
- On-hit damage increased to 35/45/55/65/75 from 20/30/40/50/60
Lightning Rush:
- Energy cost reduced to 80 at all ranks
- Attack speed bonus increased to 40/50/60/70/80%
- No longer grants armor/magic resistance while active
Slicing Maelstrom:
- Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 seconds
- Now grants 20/40/60 bonus armor and magic resistance
- Triggers effects from DoT AoE abilities
Visual Updates:
- Updated basic attack animations and visual effects
- Improved readability between basic attacks and abilities
- Updated VFX for all abilities
- New ability icons added
This compilation represents the most significant changes to Kennen while maintaining the essential information for players.