League of Legends: Garen Patch History & Updates
Here's the concise patch history for Garen in League of Legends, focusing on the most significant changes:
Recent Major Changes
- Base health increased to 690 from 620
- Health growth increased to 98 from 84
- Armor growth increased to 4.2 from 3
- Magic resistance growth increased to 1.55 from 0.75
Core Ability Updates
Decisive Strike (Q)
- Movement speed increased to 35% from 30%
- Now functions as an auto-attack reset
- Can critically strike
- Removes slows on activation
Courage (W)
- Now grants shield equal to 65-145 (+18% bonus health)
- Maximum stacks increased to 150 from 120
- Grants bonus armor and magic resistance after reaching max stacks
Judgment (E)
- Spins scale with attack speed (1 spin per 25% bonus AS)
- Deals 150% damage against non-epic monsters
- Can critically strike for 175% damage
- Number of spins now properly accounts for item bonuses
Demacian Justice (R)
- Now deals true damage
- Missing health ratio increased to 25/30/35%
- Base damage: 150/300/450
- Grants vision of target for 1 second
General Updates
- Attack range increased to 175 from 125
- Base movement speed reduced to 340 from 345
- Selection radius increased to 120 from 75
- Various visual and audio updates across all skins
This version focuses on providing valuable, structured information about Garen's evolution through patches while maintaining readability and relevance.