League of Legends Character Bestiary: A Guide to Shuriman Creatures

League of Legends Character Bestiary: A Guide to Shuriman Creatures

By Marcus Chen

February 6, 2025 at 03:40 AM

Sion is a legendary Noxian warrior turned undead juggernaut. Originally serving as the Hand of Noxus, he met his end in battle with Demacian King Jarvan I, where they killed each other. Fifty years later, he was reanimated by the Black Rose using dark hemomancy.

As an undead warrior, Sion stands as a towering behemoth with gray skin held together by dark metal plates. His most distinctive features include glowing red eyes, a magical soul furnace in his chest, and King Jarvan I's crown serving as his jaw. He wields a massive battle-worn axe and wears heavy armor with tattered leather.

In life, Sion was a feared warrior who never stepped backward in battle. After reanimation, he became a mindless creature of pure rage, unable to distinguish friend from foe. His superhuman strength allows him to destroy entire platoons and collapse buildings, while his magical soul furnace absorbs the essence of fallen enemies to empower him further.

Key abilities:

  • Superhuman strength and durability
  • Soul-absorbing furnace
  • Ability to be resurrected through hemomancy
  • Armored undead physiology

Undead warrior Sion from League of Legends

Undead warrior Sion from League of Legends

Currently, Sion serves as a weapon of war for Noxus, kept locked away in a tomb beneath his own statue until needed by the Grand General. Though fragments of his past life occasionally surface, he remains a destructive force that embodies the brutal might of the Noxian empire.


  • Reanimated by the Black Rose (likely by LeBlanc)
  • Used as a weapon by Swain after his rise to power
  • Fought against Irelia and other champions during the second Noxian invasion of Ionia

His legacy continues to strike fear into Noxus's enemies, though at the cost of his humanity and former identity.

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