![Irelia Mid Lane Guide: Dominating Mages as a Fighter [Patch 15.4.1]](/api/files/image/cm7ju6add04cv9zbvl61gi4x2/thumbnail.jpg)
Irelia Mid Lane Guide: Dominating Mages as a Fighter [Patch 15.4.1]
Irelia is a mechanically demanding bruiser who excels in mid lane against mages. Her ability to heal, farm efficiently with Q (Bladesurge), and capitalize on strong early-mid game powerspikes makes her a formidable pick.
Core Strengths:
- Excellent mobility through Q resets
- Strong waveclear and farming potential
- Powerful all-in potential against immobile mages
- Effective healing and sustain
- High outplay potential through ability combinations
Key Weaknesses:
- Falls off in late game
- Vulnerable to AP assassins
- Requires mechanical mastery
- Ultimate can be dodged with mobility spells
- Squishy early game without items
Ability Priority:
- Q (Bladesurge)
- W (Defiant Dance)
- E (Transcendence) R at levels 6, 11, and 16
Key Mechanics:
- Passive (Ionian Fervor): Stack before engaging for bonus attack speed and on-hit damage
- Q (Bladesurge): Core mobility tool, resets on kills and marked targets
- E (Transcendence): Marks targets and stuns, crucial for Q resets
- W (Defiant Dance): Damage reduction tool, charges for 1.5 seconds
- R (Vanguard's Edge): Creates blade wall, marks champions, and slows enemies
Standard Combo: E > R > Q > AA > E > AA > Q > AA > W > AA > Q > AA
Optimal Build Path: Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade
- Health Potion
Core Items:
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Trinity Force/Divine Sunderer
- Death's Dance
Situational Items:
- Wit's End (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (when ahead)
- Sterak's Gage (for survivability)
Best Matchups:
- Syndra
- Ryze
- Malzahar
Challenging Matchups:
- Diana
- Fizz
- Vex
Gameplay Tips:
- Stack passive before trades
- Use Q to secure CS and maintain mobility
- Time W to mitigate burst damage
- Land E for guaranteed ultimate hits
- Snowball advantage during mid-game power spike
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