Illaoi Champion Guide: Complete Top Lane Fighter Analysis - Patch 15.4.1
Prophet of Nagakabouros, Illaoi is a powerful top lane fighter who excels at zone control and split pushing. Her unique playstyle revolves around controlling space with tentacles and punishing enemies who dare to engage.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional 1v2+ potential when fighting around tentacles
- Strong lane bully with high sustain
- Excellent split pusher
- Powerful mid-game spikes
Skill Priority: Q > E > W > R
Situational Skill Order:
- Max E first against melee matchups for better lane control
- Max Q first against ranged champions or mobile opponents
Core Build:
- Starting: Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Core Items: Divine Sunderer, Death's Dance, Black Cleaver
- Situational: Spirit Visage, Sterak's Gage, Guardian Angel
Key Gameplay Tips:
- Position tentacles strategically near walls for maximum coverage
- Use E (Test of Spirit) to harass safely and set up all-ins
- Focus on split pushing and drawing pressure
- Save ultimate for when enemies commit to fighting you
- Prioritize farm and tentacle management over roaming
Matchup Strategy:
- Strong against: Melee champions who must engage close
- Weak against: Ranged champions and high mobility opponents
- Counter with: Heavy kiting and avoiding all-in situations
Late Game Approach:
- Continue split pushing to force responses
- Join team fights only when objectives are contested
- Position near pre-set tentacles for maximum effectiveness
- Focus on peeling for carries rather than diving backline
Remember: Illaoi's strength lies in preparation and zone control. Success comes from proper tentacle placement and forcing enemies to fight on your terms.
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