Best Champions to Counter Pantheon in Jungle: Complete Counter Guide
Pantheon is a strong early-game jungler known for his aggressive ganking potential and map presence. Here's how to effectively counter him:
Early Game Counter Strategy
- Place deep vision in Pantheon's jungle to track his movements
- Avoid solo encounters during early game unless you have a clear advantage
- Ward river and jungle entrances to prevent surprise ganks
- Be cautious of level 2-3 ganks as this is when he's most dangerous
Post-Level 6 Counters
- Track Pantheon's ultimate cooldown
- Place deeper vision to spot potential ultimate ganks
- Ward side lanes to protect from cross-map plays
- Communicate his absence to teammates immediately
Strong Counters Against Pantheon
- Gwen (Best counter due to scaling and durability)
- Rek'Sai (Can match early pressure)
- Volibear (Tankiness and sustained damage)
- Darius (Strong dueling potential)
- Wukong (Good all-in potential)
Key Tips
- Don't overextend without vision
- Watch for Flash + W engage combos
- Coordinate with team during his split-push attempts
- Fight when his ultimate is on cooldown
- Build armor early if struggling
Power Spike Windows
- Level 3 (Full basic ability combo)
- Level 6 (Ultimate unlocked)
- First item completion (Usually Eclipse or Divine Sunderer)
Weak Against
- Late game scaling champions
- Tanks with good sustain
- Champions with strong disengage
Remember to prioritize objectives when Pantheon uses his ultimate elsewhere on the map, as this creates a temporary 4v5 situation in your favor.
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