Fiddlesticks Ultimate Champion Guide: Master the Ancient Fear Jungler
Fiddlesticks is a unique AP Assassin jungler who excels at teamfights and scales exceptionally well into late game. His success relies more on game understanding and creative gameplay rather than mechanical skill.
Ability Priority:
- Max Order: R > W > Q > E
- First 3 levels: W > E > W
Starting with W is crucial as it enables you to clear any camp without damage and potentially without a leash. Take E second for improved AoE clear speed. Third point in W optimizes clearing unless expecting early invades (then take Q).
Core Build:
- Starting: Hailblade + Refillable Potion
- Core Items: Rocketbelt, Zhonya's Hourglass, Shadowflame
- Situational: Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap, Demonic Embrace
Key Runes: Domination:
- Predator
- Cheap Shot
- Eyeball Collection
- Ultimate Hunter
- Perfect Timing
- Cosmic Insight
Playstyle Tips:
- Focus on vision control for ultimate ambushes
- Use W for healthy jungle clears
- Prioritize full clearing before ganking
- Position carefully in teamfights for maximum ultimate impact
- Utilize Zhonya's to survive after engaging
- Excellent teamfight presence
- Strong AP scaling
- Game-changing ultimate ability
- Good objective control
- Flexible build paths
- Vulnerable to early invades
- Reliant on proper positioning
- Limited mobility without ultimate
- Needs team setup for optimal performance
Counter Play:
- Ward deep to track movement
- Invade early jungle
- Build magic resistance
- Save crowd control for ultimate channel
- Track ultimate cooldown
This guide prioritizes effective jungle pathing and strategic ultimate usage while maintaining strong vision control for maximum impact in teamfights.