Mastering Ekko Jungle: Complete Champion Guide & Build
Ekko Jungle Guide
Ekko excels as a high-scaling AP assassin jungler with efficient clear speed and powerful late-game impact. His forgiving kit and strong magical damage make him suitable for both new and experienced junglers.
Core Strengths:
- Fast jungle clear
- Strong AP scaling
- Good team fight presence
- Safe gameplay with ultimate escape
Ability Priority:
- W (First clear only)
- Q (Max first)
- E (Max second)
- W (Max last)
- R (Level at 6/11/16)
Early Jungle Path:
- Start W for shield and bonus damage to monsters
- Get Q second for AOE clear
- E third for mobility
- First clear path: Red → Krugs → Raptors → Wolves → Blue → Gromp
Pro Tip: Consider holding R level-up for strategic moments rather than immediately at level 6
Domination (Primary)
- Electrocute
- Sudden Impact
- Eyeball Collection
- Relentless Hunter
Inspiration (Secondary)
- Perfect Timing
- Cosmic Insight
Clear Strategy:
- Use W passive for bonus damage on large monsters
- Lead with Q for initial damage
- Auto-attack between abilities for passive procs
- Save E for mobility between camps
Ganking Tips:
- Enter with E from unexpected angles
- Follow with W placement behind enemy
- Use Q to slow and zone
- Save ultimate as escape or execution tool
Mid-Late Game:
- Focus on side lane pressure
- Look for picks with W+E combo
- Split push when ultimate is available
- Position clone strategically in team fights
Build Path:
- Hextech Rocketbelt
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Shadowflame
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Void Staff
Matchup Notes:
- Strong against immobile carries
- Weak vs heavy CC teams
- Excels in skirmishes
- Good counter to dive compositions
This highly mobile assassin rewards creative playmaking while offering safety through his ultimate. Master his combo timings and clone positioning to maximize effectiveness in the jungle role.
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