Executioner's Calling Item Guide - League of Legends Wiki
Executioner's Calling is a basic attack damage item in League of Legends that applies Grievous Wounds to enemy champions.
Current Stats:
- Cost: 800 gold (Long Sword + 450)
- Attack Damage: +15
- Unique Passive - Rend: Physical damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to champions for 2 seconds
Builds Into:
- Chempunk Chainsword
- Mortal Reminder
Gold Value:
- 15 attack damage = 525 gold
- Base gold efficiency: 65.63%
Notable Changes:
- Grievous Wounds strength increased from 25% to 40%
- Duration reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds
- Now applies even if damage is fully mitigated by shields
- Passive renamed from "Executioner" to "Rend"
Historical Trivia:
- Featured in Journal of Justice (Issue 17)
- Required a hotfix after V1.0.0.61 due to incorrect AP scaling
- Was temporarily removed from the game before being re-added
- Originally included life steal and critical strike chance stats
- Previous versions had an active ability that applied Grievous Wounds
The item serves as a core component for anti-healing builds, particularly effective against teams with strong healing or regeneration abilities.
- Epic items
- Attack damage items
- Fighter items
- Marksman items
- Assassin items
- Items with passive abilities