Every League of Legends Champion Released in 2009: The Original Roster
2009 marked League of Legends' debut year, introducing 42 champions that laid the foundation for the game. The initial release included 17 champions, followed by 25 more throughout the year, establishing diverse roles and playstyles.
Launch Champions (Alpha):
- Alistar
- Annie
- Ashe
- Fiddlesticks
- Jax
- Kayle
- Master Yi
- Morgana
- Nunu & Willump
- Ryze
- Sion
- Sivir
- Soraka
- Teemo
- Tristana
- Twisted Fate
- Warwick
Alistar the Minotaur from League
Post-Launch 2009 Releases:
- Singed
- Zilean
- Evelynn
- Tryndamere
- Twitch
- Karthus
- Amumu
- Cho'Gath
- Anivia
- Rammus
- Veigar
- Kassadin
- Gangplank
- Taric
- Blitzcrank
- Dr. Mundo
- Janna
- Malphite
- Corki
- Katarina
- Nasus
- Shaco
- Heimerdinger
- Udyr
- Nidalee
Many of these original champions remain relevant in both casual and competitive play today. While some have undergone significant visual and gameplay reworks to keep pace with modern League of Legends, they maintain their core identities and continue to be popular choices for both new and experienced players.
Notably, champions like Gangplank, Twisted Fate, and Ryze remain fixtures in professional play, while Blitzcrank and Malphite are considered excellent choices for newcomers learning the game's fundamentals.
[All images maintained in original order as per provided]