Cho'Gath Top Runes Guide - 52% Winrate in Patch 15.3
Cho'Gath is a formidable top lane champion with a current win rate of 52.0% in Patch 15.3, based on 29,515 matches. Here's the optimal rune setup and strategy guide.
Primary Runes (Resolve):
- Keystone: Grasp of the Undying
- Demolish
- Second Wind
- Overgrowth
Secondary Runes (Inspiration):
- Magical Footwear
- Approach Velocity
Strong Matchups (55%+ Win Rate):
- Wukong (57.9%)
- Jax (56.3%)
- Malphite (56.2%)
- Gragas (55.1%)
- Gangplank (55.0%)
- Renekton (55.0%)
Weak Matchups (Sub-50% Win Rate):
- Dr. Mundo (45.2%)
- Sett (46.7%)
- Ornn (47.0%)
- Singed (47.3%)
- Gwen (48.0%)
- Irelia (48.1%)
Best Jungle Synergies:
- Jarvan IV (53.5%)
- Master Yi (53.5%)
- Gwen (53.5%)
- Kha'Zix (53.3%)
- Shaco (53.0%)
- Fiddlesticks (52.9%)
Essential Tips:
- Position Q (Rupture) slightly behind enemies to increase hit chance
- Only use Ultimate (R) when the execution indicator appears
- Conserve Q and W cooldowns for defensive purposes
- Use abilities strategically rather than on cooldown
These runes and strategies are optimized for top lane performance in the current meta.