Blitzcrank Support Guide: Season 14 Tank Build & Runes
Your champion hook capacity can make or break fights and applies constant psychological pressure on enemies. Focus on map awareness and positioning to maximize your impact.
Best starting items are Steel Shoulderguards and 2 health potions. Rush mobility boots after your support item quest completion to roam effectively and create map pressure.
Core build path:
- Locket of the Iron Solari (team-wide shield)
- Knight's Vow (protect carry)
- Zeke's Convergence (engage damage boost)
Ability maxing priority:
- Rocket Grab (Q)
- Overdrive (W)
- Power Fist (E) Take R whenever available
Key gameplay tips:
- Position behind minions and threaten hooks
- Save hook for high-value targets
- Use W speed boost to position for hooks
- Chain CC with Q > E > R combo
- Roam mid when lane is pushed
- Hook through walls for surprise picks
Early game:
- Play aggressive level 1-2
- Focus on zoning and bush control
- Look for hooks on overextended enemies
- Help jungler secure scuttle/objectives
Mid-late game:
- Focus on vision control
- Look for picks before objectives
- Peel carries in teamfights
- Use ultimate to disrupt enemy combos
Common matchups:
- Strong vs: Immobile carries, enchanters
- Weak vs: Morgana, Sivir, Ezreal
Remember that missed hooks leave you vulnerable, so be selective with hook attempts. Focus on creating pressure through positioning even when hook is on cooldown.
Mastering Blitzcrank requires patience and practice with hook prediction. Your presence alone can zone enemies from farm and objectives. Use this pressure to help secure advantages across the map.